5 to 7 years 70 to 90 minute weekly classes Tuition: $52.50 per week Materials: $69 first child, $24 siblings
Kindermusik Young Child is a weekly, 70-90 minute class designed for children ages 5 through 7 years that provides a pressure-free, developmentally appropriate transition to musically succeed before taking on more formal instruction. Students explore many facets of the musical experience - speaking, singing, moving, dancing, listening, creating and playing instruments, as well as learning about reading and writing music.
Your child will also gain experience with authentic pre-keyboard, string and woodwind instruments. Young Child helps every child develop a confident, joyful voice for singing and speaking as well as essential building blocks for a future of learning.
Year One
This is the year that musical seeds begin to sprout! Your child will be introduced to numerous musical concepts including rhythmic notation, reading music, understanding the staff, and how it relates to all the songs we’ve been singing for years. Through the use of an accurately pitched glockenspiel specially made for Kindermusik, we will begin to connect note names with actual pitches, both sung and played, and specific note placement on the staff, achieving a full pentatonic scale by the end of the year. Throughout the year we will introduce your budding young musician to other musical prodigies from history, learn songs and games from around the world, match pitch with our voices and meet all the instruments in the traditional orchestra. We will do all of this while dancing and singing, playing games, telling stories, and playing instruments.
Semester One Everything your child learns later in semesters 2, 3, and 4 begins with this early introduction to singing, reading, and writing music and rhythm. Through dances and games that focus on rhythmic development, we'll learn a keyboard instrument - the glockenspiel - which will be used throughout all the Young Child classes. Your At Home Materials provide the music, instruments, stickers, and activities for a home version of the same playful activities you'll hear about from class, so your child - and you! - can learn where you're most comfortable: at home.
Home Materials: Children’s Folder with stickers, games bag, and Music At Home Cards, Family Songbook, Home CD of music from class, glockenspiel, and canvas bag (during first semester).
Semester Two Playing simple musical patterns and songs on the featured instrument from the first session - the glockenspiel - is a central focus this semester. While learning to sing a melody, and then play the pattern on the glockenspiel, we'll delve deeper into the understanding of musical concepts such as piano and forte through orchestra-style music such as the William Tell Overture and Peter and the Wolf. Music appreciation and understanding continues with a complete introduction to the instruments - and the families in which they're grouped - of the orchestra.
Home Materials: Children’s Folder with stickers, games bag, and Music At Home Cards, Family Songbook, and Home CD of music from class.
Semester Three Appalachian music is a featured musical style this semester. First, you and your child will build a two-stringed dulcimer instrument with materials that we'll provide. Then in class we'll learn to play chords and simple melodies on the instrument you built together. We'll also explore rhythm concepts through dance with an introduction to the basic steps in jazz, ballet, and tap dances. Your Home Materials include dulcimer-making materials, activity cards, and music that features recordings from Appalachia, African-America, and Native American music, as well as the Western Art music of the Nutcracker Suite.
Home Materials: Children’s Folder with stickers, games bag, and Music At Home Cards, Family Songbook, Home CD of music from class, and dulcimer.
Semester Four In this final semester, we'll introduce the recorder instrument. As your child is introduced to basic methods of playing simple melodic patterns and songs on this wind instrument, we'll also incorporate the instruments, concepts, and songs from previous semesters. With a special emphasis on multicultural music, your child will learn to improvise and write music, as well as experience the musical styles of the Pacific Islands, Europe, and Africa; plus play special dances and children's games from around the world, including Alpine dances, Mexico, and Ecuador.
Home Materials: Children’s Folder with stickers, games bag, and Music At Home Cards, Family Songbook, Home CD of music from class, and soprano recorder.