At Home Materials:
- The ABC Music & Me Home Kit contains a variety of age-appropriate literature, activities, and games - all tied to the class content. If it’s sharing a story from class, listening or singing together, the home kit allows a parent to be involved in the learning process in your child’s first and foremost classroom - at home.
- CD’s distributed throughout the semester, containing all the songs, rhymes, stories and sounds heard in class.
- Magazine-style Family Guides which include the stories from class, activity pages, parent notes showing what your child learned in class, and can-do tips to continue the fun and learning at home.
- Age-appropriate instruments that relate directly to content and concepts addressed in class.
More Details:
January -- On the Go (2 to 4 years) This month put a new spin on trains and cars. In class we’ll talk about things on the go. And with a real-sounding train whistle, sound effects, and music CD in your Home Kit, you can take the learning on the go as you talk about moving fast and slow, while developing your toddler’s rhythm and coordination and strengthening your child’s connection to what’s happening in class.
Home Kit: Train whistle instrument, Home CD, and magazine-style Family Guide (includes the class story The Big Race)
January -- Silly All Over (2 to 4 years) This month gives children a case of the giggles. They will listen to silly sounds, move in silly ways, and read a story about a mouse that puts clothes on all the wrong places. Laugh a little, and get Silly All Over!
Home Kit: Pair of green sand blocks, Home CD, and magazine-style Family Guide (includes the class story Silly Mouse Gets Dressed).
February -- Home Sweet Home (2 to 4 years) Your child learns best in the comfortable surroundings and everyday activities of home. So we’ll use this nurturing theme to turn our classroom into a pretend house. In your Home Kit read together the story about the different kinds of houses animals make - from spider webs to bird’s nests. When you find these homes in your very own backyard, you reinforce the learning that’s happening in class.
Home Kit: Home CD and magazine-style Family Guide (Includes the class story A House Is a House for Me)
February -- Family & Friends (2 to 4 years) Children will sing songs, say rhymes, dance, and play, all around the theme of friends and family members. They will listen to grandma and grandpa calling on the phone, hear a conversation between two friends, and take turns with classmates playing the triangle and rolling a ball. The story Flip-Flap, Sugar Snap will have the children listening and moving with lots of different animal family members. Come join the fun! Sing and play with your Family & Friends!
Home Kit: Home CD and magazine-style Family Guide (includes the class story Flip-Flap, Sugar Snap!)
March -- Up In the Sky (2 to 4 years) In your Home Kit read the story we’re sharing in class called Someone Bigger, about a boy who wants to take over the reins of the family kite. Then grab a scarf or handkerchief and imitate the up and down crouching, reaching, and running associated with flying a kite - just like the boy in our story. Your Family Guide magazine includes activities you can easily incorporate into your day to reinforce our counting and color-learning activities in class.
Home Kit: Three-bell jingle instrument, Home CD, and magazine-style Family Guide (includes the class story Someone Bigger)
April -- Down On the Ground (2 to 4 years) This month in class we’ll take a Listening Walk, and read about a girl who takes a silent walk with her father listening for sounds along the way. When you play the music CD, share the activities, and take a listening walk of your own at home, you’ll help your child learn to love to observe and learn from the world around her.
Home Kit: Home CD and magazine-style Family Guide (includes the class story The Listening Walk)
May & September -- Splash! (2 to 4 years) This month we’ll think and talk in patterns of 3s. In class we’ll sing songs that help your child seek and find that pattern, such as singing Row, Row, Row Your Boat. Even the things in your Home Kit this month comes in 3s - when you listen to the music, share the activities, and splash around with this blow-up beach ball.
Home Kit: Beach ball, Home CD, and magazine-style Family Guide (includes the class story Bath Time)
June & October -- Marvelous Me (2 to 4 years) This month we’ll cover pattern games and body awareness from head to toe. In class we’ll listen for patterns and repeated phrases in the music, which develops your child’s early math skills and self-esteem. When you play the same pattern seeking games at home that we played in class, your toddler’s confidence and skill building will grow.
Home Kit: Home CD and magazine-style Family Guide (includes the class story Eyes, Nose, Fingers and Toes)
July & November -- Let’s Play (2 to 4 years) All the ways you play - at home, in the school yard, during your family time together - is this month’s theme. In class we’ll play “Follow the Leader” and other playground games to help your toddler develop listening and singing skills while strengthening movement and hand-eye coordination. In your Home Kit, find more activities, songs, and games you can do together to play and learn at home, too.
Home Kit: Mini Tambourine, Home CD, and magazine-style Family Guide (includes the class story Golden Bear)
August & April -- Out & About (2 to 4 years) This month, we’re taking pretend adventures to the mountains, the beach, and going on bike rides, and picnics. Meanwhile, your toddler gets lots of practice taking turns and interacting socially. And you’ll love the take-home activities in your Home Kit, with great ideas for making an easy-at-home bird feeder. Plus, when you incorporate these class activities into your playtime at home, you’re sharing in the learning happening in class.
Home Kit: Home CD and magazine-style Family Guide (includes the class story Let’s Go Froggy)
September & March -- Carnival of Music (2 to 4 years) This month’s story features Barley Bear and his day-long quest to find a piece of shoo-fly pie at the fair. In class we’ll read about Barley and talk about his willingness to wait and be patient in the middle of the fun fair distractions. At home, your Home Kit includes more activities to help your child feel comfortable in group-play and group-learning situations.
Home Kit: Egg shaker, Home CD, and magazine-style Family Guide (includes the class story Shoo-fly Pie)
October -- Animals A-Dancing (2 to 4 years) Dancing, hopping, rolling, and stomping. This month we’ll move like all of our animal friends and develop muscle coordination and spatial awareness along the way. Your Home Kit features songs for wiggling and helps toddlers develop dexterity and fine-motor skills. Your magazine-style Family Guide also includes at-home activity ideas, games, and questions that involve the class story, so your child develops memory and comprehension - all in the context of sharing time with you.
Home Kit: Home CD and magazine-style Family Guide (includes the class story Frog Went A-Dancing)
November -- Around the Farm (2 to 4 years) In class, your child’s memory and sequence skills will strengthen with stop-and-go games tucked into stories and pretend play about animals on a farm. You’ll find these stories and songs in your Home Kit, too. So when you play this month’s featured rhythm stick instruments along with the recordings, you help your child develop rhythm, coordination, and the confidence that comes with learning and playing along with you.
Home Kit: Pair of Rhythm Sticks, Home CD, and magazine-style Family Guide (includes the class story Cows in the Kitchen)
December -- Outside My Window (2 to 4 years) You and your child will enjoy a range of imagination and listening skills in Outside My Window. This month’s unit has the learning focus: I hear and I listen. I can be loud or quiet. The take-home magazine-style Family Guide provides an activity idea using Track 7 on the Home CD which features different rain sounds. Listen at home and find empty cans, uncooked rice, cardboard boxes, or uncooked pasta to imitate those sounds. In a child’s visual world, this exercise helps bring focus to the attention required for listening.
Home Kit: Home CD, and magazine-style Family Guide (includes the class story Rain Song)
January -- Rhythms of the Land (4 to 6 years) In class we’ll explore the rhythms and sounds of Native American music. As we investigate, compare, and contrast a wide variety of drums and the materials they’re made from, your preschooler develops the investigative vocabulary needed in the sciences. When you repeat rhythm patterns at home and share the activities in your Home Kit, your child gets an early start in math, too.
Home Kit: Jingle Stick instrument, Home CD, and magazine-style Family Guide (includes the class story Pedal Pump, Pedal Pump)
February -- Sounds Abound (4 to 6 years) This month, we’ll explore all the sounds we can make with our mouths, bodies, hands, plus everyday objects we can find around the house. Your preschooler develops an early understanding of how one material can be used to make something else. Activities in your Home Kit help you bring these big ideas home when you take part in the listening, turn-taking, and sound-effect making activities.
Home Kit: Home CD and magazine-style Family Guide (includes the class story If I Had a Big Blue Boat)
March -- Dance With Me (4 to 6 years) This month, we’ll feature the music and dance of “one-two” rhythms and “one-two-three” rhythms. In class, we’ll hear real instruments from the ballet and learn a few dance steps, too. Activities like dance, where your child follows a short sequence of instructions, helps to strengthen memory and his ability to follow directions. At home, play the CD in your Home Kit and let your preschooler show you a new step or two.
Home Kit: Pair of lumi stix, Home CD, and magazine-style Family Guide (includes the class story Dance of Our Own)
April -- Drums, Drums, Drums (4 to 6 years) This month your child will experience the concept of fractions through hearing and playing quarter and eighth notes. In class we’ll do “call and response” activities to the rhythmic sounds of African music. Meanwhile, your child will sharpen listening and attention skills, as well as fine tune her ear to finding patterns. Play the activities in your Home Kit together, and you’ll help your preschooler develop a strong foundation in math, rhythm and coordination, and critical listening.
Home Kit: Home CD and magazine-style Family Guide (includes the class story Drum Circle)
May -- Feel the Music (4 to 6 years) Expressing thoughts, ideas, and needs to teachers and friends is a necessary skill in school. So in class we’ll help your child learn more about the words that help describe feelings, while learning more about the emotions of others. Your Home Kit includes the same music and stories we’ll be talking about in class to help you open the door to the emotions your preschooler is learning to express.
Home Kit: One mini maraca instrument, Home CD, and magazine-style Family Guide (includes class story The Duel)
June -- Jazz Kitchen (4 to 6 years) Get an extra helping of learning to share - with some jazz music in the mix. In your Home Kit, read about the little sheep who, along with her friends, whips up a batch of Noodles from Scratch. In class, your preschooler will use this story and other activities to learn to observe and accept others’ ideas, how to be a leader and a follower, as well as how to watch, listen, and speak to friends and teachers.
Home Kit: Home CD and magazine-style Family Guide (includes class story Noodles from Scratch)
July -- Giggles (4 to 6 years) On the way home, you’ll hear about the laughs, silliness, and knock-knock jokes with this month’s learning theme - giggles. In class we’ll use word plays, word puns, and all-around word silliness to boost vocabulary, develop conversational skills, and nurture happy learners. Play around at home with the activities in your Home Kit and your preschooler develops the confidence and skills needed to be expressive.
Home Kit: One harmonica instrument, Home CD, and magazine-style Family Guide (includes the class “story,” a series of knock-knock jokes)
August -- Under the Rainbow (4 to 6 years) Keep your eyes open for a rain this month. In class we’ll explore the concept of high and low sounds with Irish music, tricky leprechauns, and the colors of the rainbow. We’ll also match sounds with pictures, and match pictures with the written words to build lasting literacy skills. With more activities sprinkled throughout the story in your Home Kit, you and your preschooler can practice together the skills needed now and later in school.
Home Kit: Home CD, and magazine-style Family Guide (includes class story Under the Rainbow)
September -- Jumping Beans (4 to 6 years) In class, your child’s memory and sequence skills will strengthen with stop-and-go activities - all set to the music of Latin America. Tucked into stories and pretend play activities, stop-and-go games help your preschooler control body motions and follow directions on the go. Share the stories and activities in your Home Kit and you’ll strengthen self-discipline skills at home, too.
Home Kit: One pan flute instrument, Home CD, and magazine-style Family Guide (includes the class story A Quieter Instrument)
October -- Join the Parade (4 to 6 years) You can watch this month’s theme in your own home town with the season’s upcoming holiday parades. In class, we’ll listen to marching music, play pretend parades, and help your preschooler develop rhythm and coordination skills. Marching to the beat of his own drum - in class and at home - helps your preschooler make a vital rhythm and body connection, one that’s necessary to help him master any number of movement activities such as writing, dribbling and shooting a basketball, dancing, and skipping.
Home Kit: Home CD and magazine-style Family Guide (includes the class story Henry’s Parade)
November -- All Keyed Up (4 to 6 years) A piano and the well-known composer, J.S. Bach, help your preschooler get ready for school this month. The answer is right at the tip of your fingers. The same fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination your preschooler needs to hold a pencil are developed through the special keyboard-playing activities we’ll be exploring in class.
Home Kit: Pair of castanets instrument, Home CD, and magazine-style Family Guide (includes the class story Coppertop and the Four Keyboards)
December -- Sing a Story (4 to 6 years) The Sing a Story unit of ABC Music & Me introduces children to the world of opera. They will meet the Queen of the Night, Papageno and Papagena - just a few of the colorful characters from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s opera, The Magic Flute. At storytime, children will hear a tale of missing tail feathers and witness the hustle and bustle that happens backstage before an opera. They will listen to examples of solos and duets, practice pre-music-reading skills by singing simple two-note patterns, sing, and play a variety of musical instruments.
Home Kit: Home CD, and magazine-style Family Guide (includes the class story Papageno’s Feathers)